Jambress: Female freshman in Nigerian universities. Jambite: Freshman in Nigerian university. Body in charge of University entrance in Nigeria who organise a yearly entrance examination. Jamb: Joint Admission and Matriculation Board. Jack: Read seriously especially for examination. Isiewu: Igbo soup made from goat's head (including the mashed brain), vegetables, palm oil and potash. Language spoken by the Igbo people of Eastern Nigeria 2. How I go come do?: What am I supposed to do?

Home trouble: A personal disaster blamed on a family member using Juju to cause problems. e no get home training meaning she wasn't brought up well. Home delivery: Girl sent off to meet husband for first time following arranged marriage. Hold this one for hand: 1.Take 2.Take this monetary gift. Hold belle: Prevent hunger e.g Abeg take dis chin-chin hold belle till the yam cook. Duration is proportional to emotional state ay the time Hiss: sound emitted while sucking ones teeth. Highway manager: Public cleaner of major roads in Lagos. Eccentric e.g Why you dress laik yua head no correct. The foreman would have shouted Chaps (or Hey) obey. Used to psyche up people who then respond by shouting Hey! Might have originated from the shouts of workers and their foremen during railway construction in Nigeria. Dry and dusty winds blowing Southwards from the Sahara occurring during the dry season. Half field: When the ball remains in the weaker team's half of the field during soccer match. Gorimapka: Derived from name of soap character with clean- head. God forbid bad thing: God will not allow that to happen. God forbid: God will not allow that to happen. Girls follow me: Hair cut with horizontal parting on back of head. Giraffe: Examination malpractice were the neck is stretched to spy neighbour's work. Ghana must go: Large woven red or blue plastic carrier bag which was used by Ghanaians when they fled Nigeria during a mass deportation exercise. See poor man dey waka as if na im get road. Get gist: Important information to tell e.g. Get as e bi: There's something odd about it. Geisha: Brand of sardines in tomato sauce. Gbomogbomo: Child snatcher usually for fetish. Gbegiri soup: Yoruba soup made from ground beans, red capsicum, onions, tomatoes and palm oil. everybodi carry im Garuwa meaning mind your own business. Garuwa is used as a metaphor for private business e.g. Garuwa: Aluminium container for fetching water. Gaining calories: Couple in tight embrace.